Saturday 28 January 2012

And So It Begins

Coffee, eggs on toast at Dana and Adams house for breakfast, dressed and packed and .....almost ready to go..... Nick and Adam decide to do a minor alteration to the van...all good...and we are farewelled away from Diamond Creek..... Well almost, after stopping at the servo to get air Nick notices one of the valves on the campervan tyre a bit faulty so we are off to tyre power to have the wheel removed and valve replaced. Now we are on our way.

Historically we have had our fair share of mishaps on trips such as running out of petrol, losing the electrical connection on trailers etc etc, so it should be no surprise this trip would be any different. Along the way we ran over a already dead but in the middle of the road kangaroo leaving blood and gore splattered all over the chains, gas bottle and van, and upon arrival at Koroit discovered that the bike rack at the back of the camper had come off with Zach and Abbeys bikes on it.

After unhitching the vans I set off on a hunt to find them, and managed to spot the bikes in some long grass about 4km back relatively unharmed.

After the few teething problems we are now happily set up ready to explore the Warrnambool and surrounding districts.


  1. Sounds a lot of adventure in the first 250k. Can't wait to hear what happens in the next 2,500. Have fun.

  2. Love the pic of Adam's Tum while making modifcations to the trailer!
    Sorry we weren't able to join you at the farewell - I'm pleased lots of others could be there to send you off. Enjoy the trip!
