Saturday 4 February 2012

Caves, Camping and Candles

Driving into Princess Margaret Rose Caves camping ground Nicks excitement was couldn't be contained "real camping at last". The sites were lovely sheltered bushy areas with a great firepit. The kids suddenly became avid bird watchers, mesmerized by the finches, wrens and birds of prey around them. Abbey and Matt set up their chairs around a water bowl and watched as about 20 wrens and finches had a bath, such a special moment to share together.
The caves campsite was our base and we visited Mt Gambier. We explored the blue lake which was very blue, the kids enjoyed learning about aquifers and why the lake is blue, and it's volcanic history. The Ulpherstone sink hole was also a source of amazement, with it's steep stairs, beautiful garden, bees and cavities in the rock. It used to have water in the bottom of it before water levels dropped in the early 1900's. There were photos of people in a boat, the kids wondered how on earth they got the boat down there.
Whilst at Piccanninie Ponds we met some divers, they chatted with us about their equipment, what they can see and how far they can dive to in the ponds. Nick would have like too have snorkeled here but we didn't have a permit.
Abbey celebrated her 5th birthday by opening a pile of presents, having yummy pancakes with strawberries and maple syrup for breakfast, then we went on a tour of the caves. This was embraced by the kids with great enthusiasm, asking many questions, getting to help the guide with the lighting and searching the cave for different stalagmite and stalagtite formations. One was called the bats wing to which Abbey asked in her loudest voice "how did the bat die and leave its wing there?"
Josh tried his hand at fishing down on the jetty with no success but the serenity of sitting and taking in the surroundings was fantastic.
Reluctantly we packed up for our next stop.

On our way to Robe we went to Ewan Ponds. A series of natural springs with clear and fresh, and blue water. Although it was icy cold, we all thought the experience of seeing such a beautiful underwater garden complete with a cave was amazing.

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